SETS 1-7

Money Affirmations Set # 1

  1. I feel Rich
  2. I love money. Money loves me.
  3. I attract money now
  4. I am very happy & grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from many sources on a continuous basis
  5. I am receiving money now
  6. I have more than enough money
  7. I am willing, ready and able to receive money
  8. I see abundance everywhere
  9. I am a money magnet
  10. I am grateful for what I already have and for all that I receive now.
  11. I have more than what I need
  12. Money now comes to me from unexpected sources & I am grateful
  13. My income is growing higher and higher
  14. I am a rich child of a loving universe
  15. I have the power to attract money
  16. I receive money happily now
  17. Money flows to me easily
  18. I am sensible with money and manage it wisely.
  19. I allow my income to constantly expand and I always live in comfort and joy

Money Affirmations Set # 2

  1. I realize that money is essential for leading a good life but that I should not make it the number one priority of life.
  2. The Universe is the constant supplier of money for me and I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.
  3. Whatever activities I perform make money for me and I am always full of money.
  4. My bank balance is increasing everyday and I always have enough money for myself.
  5. Money and I are friends and our friendship will never fall apart.
  6. I am a money magnet towards whom money is constantly attracted.
  7. Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money.
  8. Money is an integral part of my life and is never away from me.
  9. I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life.
  10. My money consciousness is always increasing & keeping me surrounded by money.
  11. I have a positive money mindset
  12. I am focused on becoming rich
  13. Attracting money is easy
  14. My bank account worth is always growing
  15. Money is good. Money is energy
  16. I am fully supported making money doing what I love to do.
  17. Money comes to me through expected channels and unexpected channels
  18. My income automatically rises higher and higher

Money Affirmations Set # 3

  1. I am open to best things in life
  2. My wallet is overflowing with money
  3. Life is so easy
  4. I welcome money into my life.
  5. I am open and ready to let money into my life.
  6. The money is in my life just as natural as eating, drinking and sleeping.
  7. Money simply falls into my lap
  8. My pockets are full of money
  9. My positive money thoughts are coming true
  10. The universe always serves my highest interest
  11. I can always get whatever I need
  12. Financial success is mine, I accept it now
  13. I love having money
  14. There is enough for everyone
  15. I attract money naturally
  16. My middle name is money.
  17. The more I contribute for others. The more money I make
  18. The more I enjoy life, the more money I make

Money Affirmations Set # 4

  1. The Universe constantly supplies money to me.
  2. I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.
  3. Money and I are friends.
  4. Money is flowing to me.
  5. Money flows easily into my life.
  6. I attract money to me and I am attracted to money.
  7. I love money.
  8. I enjoy making money and strive to have fun in every aspect of my work.
  9. Whatever activities I perform make money for me.
  10. Money flows to me easily, frequently, and abundantly.
  11. I have the power to attract money.
  12. I place no limits on the amount of money I can make.
  13. I attract money naturally.
  14. My bank account is filled with money.
  15. I have an endless supply of cash.
  16. I attract money everywhere I go.
  17. I do have a source of financial flow.
  18. Today is the day of my amazing good fortune.


Money Affirmations Set # 5

  1. I happily see every bill paid now.
  2. I joyfully see every obligation met now.
  3. I am boundless abundance in radiant expression.
  4. I am bountifully supplied with money.
  5. I accept all the joy and prosperity life has to offer.
  6. Financial success comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  7. My income exceeds my expenses.
  8. My grateful heart is a magnet that attracts more of everything I desire.
  9. I am a money magnet and prosperity of all kinds is drawn to me.
  10. Money flows to me from expected and unexpected sources.
  11. Today is a delightful day. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
  12. I am fearless in letting money go out; knowing God is my immediate and endless supply.
  13. I spend money under direct inspiration wisely and fearlessly, knowing my supply is endless and immediate.
  14. My bank account is overflowing with money!
  15. An avalanche of money is coming my way.
  16. I am happily enjoying a lifestyle of luxury.
  17. I now live in a rich and loving universe.
  18. This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.

Money Affirmations Set # 6

  1. I am now accumulating large sums of Money.
  2. Money flows in my life.
  3. I always have more Money coming in than going out.
  4. I am increasingly magnetic to Money.
  5. I create Money through joy, aliveness, and self-love.
  6. As I do what I love, Money flows freely to me.
  7. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  8. My savings act as a magnet to draw more Money.
  9. All the Money I spend enriches society and comes back to me multiplied.
  10. All the Money I spend and earn brings me joy.
  11. All my Money is energy awaiting my command to create good in my life.
  12. All my Money is working for me to increase my Abundance, joy and aliveness.
  13. My Money is a source of good for myself and others.
  14. I feel good about all the Money I spend.
  15. Money flows freely and abundantly into my life.
  16. A constant flow of Money is coming to me from Known and Unknown Sources!
  17. I feel good about Money and deserve it in my life.
  18. I am thankful for the comfort and joy that Money provides me.

Money Affirmations Set # 7

  1. I release all my negative beliefs about Money and invite wealth into my life.
  2. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  3. Making Money is good for me and for everyone in my life.
  4. My Money is growing higher and higher now.
  5. Money is an important part of my life and is never away from me.
  6. I clearly see opportunities to effortlessly make Money.
  7. Money always flows to me easily.
  8. I am magnetic to Money, and it is magnetic to me.
  9. Money flows freely in my life.
  10. All the money I need is flowing to me
  11. All of the money I could ever want is flowing to me now.
  12. I always have enough money
  13. I have all of the money, time, talent and energy to accomplish all that I desire.
  14. Money is coming to me every day.
  15. Money now comes to me in abundance in perfect ways
  16. The more money I have, the more money I can use to help myself and others
  17. The more money I have the more money I have to give
  18. Money is always circulating freely in my life and there is always a surplus
  19. Money flows to me like a waterfall